The Informed Patient, podacast on health, science and medicine


 Expert explains how to prevent tick-borne illness

Expert explains how to prevent tick-borne illness


Interview with Saravanan Thangamani, PhD, expert in tick-borne diseases

Resource center is designed to help patients, families

Resource center is designed to help patients, families


Interview with Sarah Lawler, clinical outreach librarian

Advice: Keep your hands clean around keypads, common surfaces

Advice: Keep your hands clean around keypads, common surfaces


Interview with Joe Domachowske, MD, pediatric infectious disease specialist

When and how often are mammograms recommended?

When and how often are mammograms recommended?


Mammography recommendations vary, 还有拉维·阿迪卡里, MD, helps explain the latest information on breast cancer screening.

Treatment shows promise in reducing seizures

Treatment shows promise in reducing seizures


Interview with Robert Beach, MD, PhD, chief of epilepsy

 New tech tool could help with some tasks, wouldn't work with others

New tech tool could help with some tasks, wouldn't work with others


Amr Wardeh, MD, a resident physician in radiology with an interest in AI and informatics describes how AI might be put to use and where it might not work.

Alternative treatment shows promise against risky infection

Alternative treatment shows promise against risky infection


Interview with Aamer Imdad, MBBS, pediatric gastroenterologist

Metal's toxicity, its other sources, explained

Metal's toxicity, its other sources, explained


Interview with Travis Hobart, MD, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 pediatrician on why some baby foods contain lead and what can and is being done about it.

Stem cells among techniques used

Stem cells among techniques used


Interview with Akio Horiguchi, MD, PhD, and Mang Chen, MD, visiting experts

GEM Care is specially designed for seniors

GEM Care is specially designed for seniors


Interview with Jay Brenner, MD, medical director of GEM Care

Dental specialist repairs damage to mouth, head, neck

Dental specialist repairs damage to mouth, head, neck


Interview with Arthur Bigsby, DDS, maxillofacial prosthodontist

Ceremony commemorates value of body donation to science

Ceremony commemorates value of body donation to science


Interview with Dana Mihaila, MD, PhD, Anatomical Gift Program director