The Informed Patient, podacast on health, science and medicine


FEVAR procedure corrects dangerous weakening of main artery

FEVAR procedure corrects dangerous weakening of main artery


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 vascular surgeon Wei Li, MD on how a dangerous ballooning of the body's main artery can be repaired, and a rupture prevented with the FEVAR procedure.

Pioneering physician's life prefigured women's struggles for equal rights, respect, access

Pioneering physician's life prefigured women's struggles for equal rights, respect, access


Interview with Janice Nimura, biographer of Elizabeth Blackwell

Patients' primary doctor no longer oversees their in-hospital care

Patients' primary doctor no longer oversees their in-hospital care


盖奶油, MD discusses the hospitalist program he started and how these specialists care for hospitalized patients.

Therapist stresses movement, not rest, to treat back problems

Therapist stresses movement, not rest, to treat back problems


Interview with physical therapist Steven Lounsbury, DPT

Suicides top list of firearm-related deaths and injuries

Suicides top list of firearm-related deaths and injuries


Interview with public health researcher Margaret Formica, PhD

Drug abuse, obesity, maternal health among key findings

Drug abuse, obesity, maternal health among key findings


Interview with county Health Commissioner Katie Anderson, MD, PhD

Drug meant for large animals is being mixed into street drugs

Drug meant for large animals is being mixed into street drugs


Interview with Ross Sullivan, MD, director of medical toxicology

Toxicologist explains how it helps combat opioid epidemic

Toxicologist explains how it helps combat opioid epidemic


Interview with Ross Sullivan, MD, director of medical toxicology